A curriculum for Computer Science and Mathematics

This post is written with at least two audiences in mind:

  1. Self-taught engineers and bootcamp graduates who may want a more solid foundation in formal computer science. (Whether to perform better in interviews, to diminish Imposter Syndrome, or simply for their own edification.)
  2. Engineers (both self-taught and formally educated) who may want to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics.

The list of subjects is quite broad - expect it to take at least 10 years to complete in full.


Subject Topics Best Resource
Single Variable Calculus Limits, derivatives, integrals, techniques of integration, convergence of sequences and series, and techniques to numerically approximate integrals Some Video
Linear Algebra Second column fields Some more descriptive text.


Why learn Mathematics?

Why learn Computer Science?



Python? Java? edx50?


Software Engineering

Operating Systems

Computer Networking


Languages and Compilers


Theory of Computation

Information Theory


Distributed Systems

More Mathematics

Single Variable Calculus

Linear Algebra

Abstract Algebra

Web dev

Alt Text
Photo by John Doe

Here is a quote. What this is should be self explanatory. Quotes are automatically indented when they are used.

Probability and Statistics

Multivariable Calculus

Differential Equations

Abstract Algebra

Real Analysis

Complex Analysis



Where do I begin if I am not yet ready for a calculus class?

Inspirations/Prior Art

Basic formatting

This note demonstrates some of what [Markdown][1] is capable of doing.

Learning Computer Science

Intro 2

Intro 3

Intro 4

Jared Stewart

Jared Stewart

Jared Stewart is a software engineer in Portland, Oregon.

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